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Setting up your first Project

All elements in Excelway are organized within Projects. Projects allow you to manage all the workshops and meetings, as well as the tasks related to a specific team, initiative or goal within your organization. 

If you signed up to Excelway through its website, we already created a project for you to get you started. 

Invite Project Members

To start collaborating on your Project, invite Project Members.

You can do this by clicking the + Invite Members button in the Project bar, or the green icon below it.

Screenshot showing the invite members to Project button

Please note that to be able to invite Project Members, you need to have an Admin role in the Project. Read more about roles and permissions on Excelway.

From the Manage Members window, to add a member to the Project:

Screenshot of the Add members window

1. Click on Add user. This will create a new line at the bottom of the window.

2. Type the member’s work email.

3. Assign a role to the member.

4. Assign a position (optional)

5. If you wish that this new member has access to the previously created Boards, Workshops and Sub-Project, check Apply changes to all Boards and adjoining sub-projects.

6. Save your changes.

7. The member will receive an email notifying him/her that you invited him/her to the Project. If he/she doesn’t have an Excelway account, the system will automatically invite him/her to create one.

Manage the Project Settings

Access the Project Settings to change the Project’s name, description, dates and image. You can do this by clicking the Settings button in the Project bar.

Project Settings

Please note that to be able to edit Project Settings, you need to have an Admin role on the Project. Read more about roles and permissions in Excelway.

From the Settings window:

Project Settings window

– Edit the Project’s name

– Edit the Project’s description

– Change the Project’s dates. Please note that these dates are made for your own reporting and information’s purpose and don’t have any functional effect on the Project.

– Change the Project’s image

Create a new Project

Any user with an Excelway account can create a new Project.

To create a new  Project, go to the Project Navigation bar by clicking on the name of the Project you are currently on.

Screenshot showing how to access the Project Navigation Bar

In the Project Navigation bar, click on the + New project button.

Screenshot showing the Create new Project button

Fill the form with the Project’s details and add Project Members. 

Excelway tip: New Projects can also be created from the See all my Projects page.

Delete a Project

Projects with no open Workshops can be deleted by the users that have an Admin role within the Project. 

To delete a Project, navigate to the Project Settings through the Settings button in the Project bar.

Project Settings

In the Settings window, click on the Delete button.

Project Settings window
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