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Summaries are daily and weekly notifications about the status of tasks in the Boards a user has subscribed to.

Once you subscribe to a Board, you receive daily and/or weekly summaries through email notifications and in-app notifications.

Excelway tip: Email notification are sent on the day and time set by the user, whereas in-app notifications are updated in real-time.

Subscribing to a Board

As a user, you can subscribe to any board you’re member of and receive summaries by email and in-app notifications.

To subscribe to a Board:

  • click on the subscribe button on the right side of the board.
Subscribe to summaries button
  • check your subscription preferences: daily and/or weekly summaries.
check summaries preference

To unsubscribe from a board, uncheck the subscriptions you have previously checked and you will stop receiving notifications about this board.

Setting email notification preferences

To set the day and time you want to receive your daily and weekly email notification, head to your profile by clicking on your avatar at the top right corner of your screen. Then, click on Profile.

Screenshot on how to access your profile section

In your Profile page, make sure that your timezone is correctly set in the General Information section. If not, click on the Edit button and select the correct timezone.

Screenshot of selecting timezone

Then, head to the Notifications tab. 

Select the hour you’d like your daily summary to be sent to you, as well as the day and hour you want your weekly summary to be sent to you.

screenshot of the notification tab to select the hour of the summaries

Daily summaries

Daily summaries are daily notifications about tasks in all the boards you have subscribed to.

They are sent by email daily, and can get accessed through the app by clicking the notification panel.

summaries in notification panel

There are 4 statuses of tasks in daily summaries:

  • Completed tasks: tasks that have been marked as completed today
  • Tasks due soon: tasks that are due in the next 3 days, excluding Saturday and Sunday
  • Overdue tasks: tasks which due date is passed
  • Tasks in progress: tasks which have a start date before today and an end date after today.
daily summary

Excelway tip: If you are a member of many projects, the summary will gather the data from the boards you subscribed to in all your projects.

Weekly summaries

Weekly summaries are weekly notifications about tasks in all the boards you have subscribed to. They are sent by email weekly, and can get accessed through the app by clicking the notification panel.

There are 4 statuses of tasks in the weekly summaries:

  • Completed tasks: tasks that have been marked as completed this week
  • Tasks due soon: tasks that are due next week
  • Overdue tasks: tasks which due date is passed
  • Tasks in progress: tasks which have a start date before today and an end date after today.
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