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Next Steps and Tasks

What are Tasks? 

Tasks are to-dos and actions that emerged from a Workshop and that are meant to be followed-up and managed in Boards. 

Next Steps refer to the last phase of a workshop in the facilitation workflow. This phase opens up the Tasks side-bar for the facilitator. 

Screenshot showing the next steps button in a workshop and the tasks side-bar open

The Tasks side-bar is a feature available to both the facilitators and the participants to a workshop. Tasks are common to all activities within a workshop and can be also accessed from the home page of the workshop as shown below. 

Screenshot showing the Tasks side-bar on the home page of a Workshop

Creating a task

A task can be created by a participant or a facilitator at any point during the workshop. 

To create a task, 

– open the Tasks side-bar by clicking the Tasks button on the left of the screen

screenshot showing the Tasks button in a Workshop

– type the title of the task. It can be a word, or a short description of what needs to be done

Screenshot showing the field to type the name of a task at the bottom of the Tasks side panel

– click the Add a task button or press Enter

– the task you just created appears at the top of the Tasks’ list in the side-panel

Adding details to a task

Once a task is created, you can edit it and add details, such as description, owner, due date and even a checklist of what needs to be done. 

To add details to a task, click on the task’s name or on the pencil icon that appears when you hover on the task. 

Screenshot showing the edit button that appears next to a task when you hover on it.

A side-panel appears where you can fill out the details of the tasks as needed, as well as delete the task. 

screenshot showing the details of a tasks that can be added

Excelway tip: in a public workshop, when assigning an owner to a task, only the users that have an Excelway account will be suggested as assignees to the task. 

Turning cards into tasks

The facilitator can choose to turn automatically a number of cards into tasks.

To do so:

– click the Magic Wand button on the left of an activity screen

– select Turn cards into tasks

Screenshot showing the magic wand button as well as the Turn Cards into tasks button

– Select the parameter you want to apply to select the cards to be turned into tasks

screenshot showing the parameters to select cards in bulk and turn them into tasks

– The cards you selected appear immediately in the task side-panel

Sending Tasks to Boards

Once created, the tasks can be sent to the Project boards.

If you are managing your tasks in a single board: 

– select all the tasks in bulk by checking the Select tasks to be sent to project boards option.

Screenshot showing the select in bulk option in the Tasks side panel

– then, select the board ou want to send the Tasks to in the Board dropdown.

Screenshot showing the Board dropdown inside the Tasks side panel

– click the Send to board button

– under each task, you will see a confirmation of the sending process in green

If you’re managing your tasks in multiple boards:

– select the tasks you want to send to one board

– select the board

– click Send to board

– repeat the process for each board

Excelway tip: if you haven’t created a relevant project board yet, you can create one directly from the board dropdown in the Tasks panel. Just clickon +Add and give your new board a name. 

The tasks you sent to boards will appear in the first list of each board you sent tasks to. This list is named by default New cards.

Screenshot showing the New Cards list in a board where Tasks have been sent to

The owners of a task will be automatically added to the board the task has been sent to as members.

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